
Saturday 21 January 2012

Fourth Reich, Hitler’s Dream & Monetary Fraud

Fourth Reich, Hitler’s Dream & Monetary Fraud


Hitler’s dream of a Europe “united” under the jackboot of Germany with its partner Vichy France has come one step closer to being fulfilled with the recent Eurozone agreement designed to resolve the so-called sovereign debt crisis. Where Stukas, panzers and black uniformed SS divisions failed, the huge banking scam which intentionally created the so-called sovereign debt crisis has succeeded. It is war by other means, war by psychological subterfuge rather than by direct military conquest – but the result is the same: the dissolution of national sovereignties and “Deutchland Deutchland uber alles”.

26 of the 27 European Union members have agreed to submit all of their fiscal operations to the European Union for approval and/or revision. 2 of these 26 are of course Germany, who had aspirations of European conquest under Hitler, and their junior partner France, who had the same aspirations a hundred or so years earlier under Napoleon, so this means that 24 countries have agreed to abandon sovereign control over their own nation to the approval of the Big 2. Even the Newspeak term “sovereign debt crisis” implies that sovereignty is the problem and the cause, rather than INTENTIONAL FRAUDULENT ACTIVITY PERPETRATED BY MULTINATIONAL BANKING CORPORATIONS. The only hold out was Britain, which looks pretty smart now in refusing to accept the Euro in the first place. The British better start looking at ways to dynamite the Chunnel and perhaps might want to think about dusting off some of Winston Churchill’s old inspired and defiant speeches from the war era.

In the last few months we have seen democracy come to an abrupt end in both Greece and Italy, as Germany, France and their corporate banking partners intervened to remove duly and freely elected leaders and to install fascist regimes directed by unelected puppet leaders with dictatorial powers.

And this is all based on what? It is based on the fact that Greece and Italy along with the rest of the Eurozone have been fed COMPLETELY FAKE MONEY CREATED BY DIVINE FIAT OUT OF THIN AIR, MONEY SO WORTHLESS AND SO FAKE THAT TO CALL IT MONEY IS LIKE CALLING A LAMP THE SUN – have been fed this stuff, I say, until their economies have become utterly artificial and as dependent on it as a heroin addict on that highly addictive opiate, and then have used this FAKE CRISIS CREATED WITH FAKE MONEY to blackmail them into abandoning their sovereignty.

It has been estimated that all countries worldwide owe a “debt” of over 100 trillion dollars: $100,000,000,000,000. THIS AMOUNT OF MONEY DOES NOT EXIST, HAS NEVER EXISTED, AND WILL NEVER EXIST. This shows that the so called debt crisis is an entirely false and manufactured crisis created under false pretenses and in a word is a MASSIVE FRAUD designed to subjugate the population of the earth to corporate masters.

Unfortunately the population of the earth is so utterly zombified by the low alpha waves created by television, by fluoride in the water (an innovation by the Nazis designed to keep concentration camp detainees submissive), and by who knows what other means emanating from chemtrails and the US military’s ultra secret HAARP project, that they are willing to believe everything that comes out of the mouths of the entirely elitist owned and controlled TelePrompTer zombies who deliver THE ELITIST CONTROLLED MESSAGE every night and day in the mainstream news. We have become so stupid, to put it bluntly, that we are all willing to give up our freedoms, rights and liberties out of the fear of PAPER. Yes, we have become so insane that we are afraid of nothing else in the world more than WORTHLESS PAPER ADORNED WITH VARIOUS QUEEN’S AND PRESIDENT’S FACES and ARE WILLING TO BE ENSLAVED BY OUR INSANE BELIEF.

Wake up. Believe me. IT IS ALL FAKE. IT IS ALL FRAUD. We are the victims of a giant psychological manipulation created and run by criminals with the collusion of our elected officials. It is simply a criminal act on a massive scale.

And now we find in our own country that the FEMA camps which officially don’t even exist are being staffed and readied for some anticipated event. If the event for which they are being prepared is a massive EMP wave which will knock out all global communication and computer systems or an asteroid or comet strike on the earth about which we are not being told, then I commend the government for being prepared for something which is beyond everyone’s control. But if the “event” for which they are preparing is an economic collapse, then I condemn them soundly for preparing to participate in the culmination of THE GREATEST CRIMINAL FRAUD OF ALL TIME.

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