
Sunday 11 December 2011

Reading Sappho in a Wine Bar

Reading Sappho in a Wine Bar

Today I promised you a poem entitled 
"Mowing the Lawn Out of Spite" 
in honor of your husband who would 
do any job poorly if it might twist
your heart open to him. The wine glasses 
are lined up so perfectly. Hard to believe 
they might ever be broken, but each one will. 
Think of the delicate, the fragile, the weak:
a beetle's wing, a swing's slow arc, your very 
smallest child. You watched your husband drag 
the lawn mower across the backyard, saw 
his lips curse it through the window each time
it stalled. If you listened closely you could 
hear his voice, the sound of glass cracking 
beneath your feet. Or perhaps he was cursing 
you, your joy on this first day of spring.


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