
Tuesday 13 December 2011

How to handle the prophecies?

How to handle the prophecies?

In times of crisis one of people’s favourite themes are prophecies. But this is a very “slippery” topic and one needs a lot of discrimination in handling such issues. First of all, their source must be a spiritual one. God doesn’t give the gift of prophecy to someone if first, He doesn’t separate that person from the flock. And this evaluation is based on that person’s spiritual height.
On the other hand one must know that the prophetic gift works only when God wants and not when the “prophecy bearer” wants. Not everything that a spiritual man says is a prophecy, even if, perhaps, we would like to believe this. Also, the prophecies are very hard to interpret because God’s grace doesn’t want to endanger our freedom. So we need to be very careful in order not to fall into deception.
That’s why when we think that a prophecy is close to fulfilment we shall neither fall in ecstasy nor panic because we are not sure of its fulfilment until the fact is already consumed. We should take heed. Be sober. Actually the role of a prophecy is to awake and not to generate hysteria. In fact, this is written also in the Holy Bible: “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts” (2 Peter 1:19)
In the photo bellow you see the only aircraft carrier of the Russian fleet, Admiral Kuznetsov, which this winter will be again (after 3 years) in the Greek territorial waters (more exactly in Cyprus) before entering in a major refit and modernisation by the end of 2012. In accordance with the RIA Novosti agency, the travel to Mediterranean Sea started on 6 December, on St. Nicholas day.
Some say that this the fulfilment of St. Kosmas the Etolian’s famous prophecy “When you will see the Chiliarmen (a very big and very heavy armed ship – n. Ed.) floating in the Greek waters, know that the problem of the Town (ie. Constantinople – n. Ed.) will be solved”?
We don’t know though. We should only stay alert. And we pray knowing that God is with us.

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