
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Bilderberg Group President Viscount Etienne Davignon said Greece remains in Euro Area, no default.

Bilderberg Group President Viscount Etienne Davignon said Greece remains in Euro Area, no default.
Europe Security News.- The President of the
Bilderberg Group Viscount Etienne Davignon visited
Rumania to attend an European Conference

Bucarest.- Bilderberg Group President, Viscount Etienne Davignon said Friday in Bucharest, that Greece must remain in the euro area, and that Europe is following the necessary steps to be taken not to create a formal default of Greece.
“What happens here is that we all must realize that this greek story should end and Greece should continue to be in the euro. And all parts must take the necessary measures in order not to create a formal default of Greece, speaking of its sovereign debt, “said Davignon.

He said that Greece should avoid bankruptcy. “We are concerned that if the european reaction to an individual issue like the one of Greece is not strong enough, then the crisis may well be going to another country,” said the president of the Bilderberg Group.

“We do not believe at all in the idea of having ​​an EU finance minister , not even for one second, because it is in contradiction with the concept that we have of the EU. What is the concept? Concept is the states must not disappear, nor the nations, and not to be replaced by the EU. Maybe it will happen, do not know, in about 100 years from now. But we do not try to create the United States of Europe. That does not mean that the future will not be United States of Europe, but now what we do is that to share sovereignty and we decide to have a series of problems that will not be decided on an individual level, on a country level , but collectively (whole Europe) . And, of course, will have to decide by majority vote, “said Voscount Davignon.

Viscount Etienne Davignon, Bilderberg Group President and Richard Haass , Council on Foreign Relations president, were key speakers on Friday in Rumania, during the conference “The European Union after sovereign debt crisis.”

Bilderberg Group is an organization with a globalist agenda, which members includes the western world political leaders, businessmen and academics. Meetings are held annually since 1954. The founders of the group were David Rockefeller tycoons and Rothschild banking family.

Viscount Etienne Davignon is a Belgian politician, born in Hungary, in Budapest. He is part of the Bilderberg Group since 1974 and in 1999 reached its management, as the sixth president of the organization.

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