
Monday, 16 July 2012

We Already Have One World Government

We Already Have One World Government 

Important Update: What Is the Status of the New World Order?

The Germans are teetering with whether to bail out the PIIGS nations, or not, and the Euro is in crisis. So far, Germany is a safe haven. However, how long will that safe haven status last? One thinks of the Germans as the haves. The PIIGS are the haves not. But Germany has low home ownership, and the PIIGS have high homeownership. The Germans rely on manufacturing to stay strong. The PIIGS cannot buy that manufacturing without some sort of bailout or stronger European Union. The Germans do not want that stronger union at this time.

So, what can folks watch for regarding the Eurozone going forward? We know that German manufacturing continues to be weak. How long can Germany remain a safe haven if she has no place to sell her goods? As long as capital flees from the rest of Europe to Germany, the New Financial Order is weakened, to be sure. If that capital ever starts to flee Germany, then perhaps the One World Financial System will remain intact.

I am no fan of the New World Financial System, which ispredatory in lending, but I am concerned about the massive derivatives that the worlds' banks have strapped to their bodies, making any effort to cross this financial system, as Germany is doing, very, very painful and dangerous for the world.

I may be proven wrong, but it seems like Germany lost her sovereignty when she let her banks lend easy money to the PIIGS nations when they entered the Euro. She could be vulnerable to capital flight, but only time will tell. Auctions for her bonds are sometimes weak, and that is a telling sign as to how the cabal will choose to push Germany around.

The 5 Wise Men, which as of the time of this writing includes a woman from Switzerland who used to work at the World Bank and the IMF, are advising Germany. As long as these folks have the ear of the Germans, you can bet that the New World Order is fighting to get Germany to bend to the bankers' way. Of course these 5 folks, who could literally control all of Europe, are influencing harsh financial measures for the PIIGS nations as well.

Update: Turns out that Germany has apparently buckled and has allowed the easy money to flow from the ECB but continues to waver. The real tussle revolves around the banks and the other sovereign nations in the Eurozone. The banks have weapons of mass destruction strapped to them.

But the sovereign nations can simply fail to impose austerity, which is actually a wise action. Then if the banks refuse to play along they become the big losers. The debtors are big enough to take the banks down, and Spain knows this. So does Italy. The banks have become a little too smug and smart for their own good, I think. I look for banks to be forced to buy sovereign debt no matter what, since they are now locked into the fate of the nations themselves!

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