Saint Kosmas Aetolos (1714-1779) the equal to Apostles- part-1The complete PROPHECIES of Saint Kosmas from
Aetolia Greece, who was a Hieromonk on Holy Mount Athos.
"When you will see the "one thousand ship" in Greek waters, then it will come." Saint Kosmas Aetolos From the book "Kosmas of Aetolia" by the Metropolitan of Florina Augustinos Kantiotis, ed. Orthodox Missionary Brotherhood "The Cross" from which is the numbering. Prophecies also have been added from other manuscripts referredin the book "SAINT KOSMAS THE AETOLOS, Life and Prophecies" by the theologian Mr.Triantafyllou, and the excellent work of the Abbess of St. Kosmas Aetolos’ Monastery in Megadendro Thermo, Nun Efthymia: "The prophecies of Saint Cosmas Aetolos in History." (See more at the end of this text). Notes added by Leontios Monahos Dionysiatis (LMD) of Holy Mount Athos.
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1. "This one day will be Roman (Greek) and fortunate whoever lives in this kingdom."(He used to say this in various parts of enslaved Greece, which thereafter gained their freedom from the Turkish yoke).
2. "Oh blessed mountain, how many souls of women and children you will save, when the adverse years come!" (He said this prophecy in Siatista, northwestern Greece, and elsewhere facing the mountains, which at the time of the Greek Revolution were dens of women and children).
3. "You here, who are found up in these high mountains are fortunate, because these will keep you away from many evils. You will hear and you will not see the danger. Three hours or three days you will suffer." (It was said at the region of Siatista).
4. "The desired fact will come about the third generation. It will be seen by your
grandchildren." (It was said in Himara - This very important prophecy of the Saint, which nursed the sweetest hope of the enslaved Greek nation, took amazing verification. Because the time of the liberation of the Nation is actually the third generation by the year prophesied that from the Saint, because as we know, each generation is estimated at 25 years).
5. "There will come a time for your enemies to take even the ash from the fire, but do not change your faith like others will." (It was said in Siatista).
6. "I pity you because of the pride you have. My leg will not step here again. And if you don't stop these things that you do, the arbitrariness and robbery, you will be destroyed. In this branch, where you hang your swords, it will come a day that the gypsies will hang their musical instruments." (It was said in the village of Saint Donatos, Souli).
7. "There will come the red caps and then the Englishmen for 54 years, and then it will become Roman (Greek)." (It was said in Cephalonia on the liberation of the Ionian Islands -"Red hats" are called the French soldiers from the color of their headgear during the Napoleonic period. This prophecy found amazing fulfillment. Because after the Venetians the Ionian Islands were taken over by the French, and after their departure there came the English, whose stay lasted 54 years, that are as many as prophesied by the Saint. In 1810 the English seized the Ionian Islands. (Except Corfu, which surrendered in 1815 to Campbell, and in 1864 they handed it to Greece).
8. "The boundaries of Romans will be the Vovousa (River Aoos)." (It was said in the Old Arta). -It happened already, see the next prophecy. LMD-
9. "From there will come the Romans." (This prophecy was said by the Saint in Preveza showing that part of the mainland from which would come the army of freedom. This occurred in 1912).