I seem to be writing about depression a great deal lately. It seems to have become a part of my life. And I bet it affects a great deal of my readers, at least to some degree. Keep reading, I have an update at the end.
To say that the men and women in America and other developed countries are under a load of stress is an understatement. It seems that stress has become a way of life for us.
Many things can cause this stress:
- money, or lack of
- job loss or underemployment (which can cause a lack of money)
- activities and obligations, school, clubs, teams, charity, civic, church
- family, the raising and caring for
- household, cleaning and maintaining
- pressure from society to “be” a certain way or perform a certain way
And these are just a few!
The problem becomes when the stress continues and we don’t give our bodies or minds any relief. Then stress can start to do a real number on us. Chronic stress can cause us to become irritable, less productive, lethargic, and to have problems in our relationships.
Can stress cause depression?
Depression comes from many factors which can be genetic, biological, psychological and situational. Someone may not necessarily BEdepressed, but may be prone to it because of one or more of the factors above.
If a person who is more prone to depression or has had an episode of depression in the past comes under chronic stress, it can definitely trigger depression. Chronic stress is known to alter brain chemicals such as cortisol, seretonin and dopamine, among others. Upsetting the balance of these hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain is a big factor in causing a person to become depressed.
Am I depressed?
Sometimes when you are actually suffering from depression it is difficult to understand how low you may really be. Kind of like the frog and boiling pot of water. Most people don’t wake up one morning depressed, it happens over time (in most cases).
Symptoms of depression
- Little or no interest in activities you normally enjoy
- Wanting to stay home, fear or anxiety in public
- Sudden weight gain or loss of 5 pounds or more
- Changes in appetite
- Trouble sleeping
- Irritable
- Feeling tired, like you weigh 1000 pounds
- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
- Trouble concentrating
- Thoughts of suicide or death* Red flag! Call someone today!
If more than 5 of the above have been plaguing you for more than 2 weeks, you are probably depressed. Many of us are self-sufficient, independent women who don’t want to admit we need help. Depression is not your fault. And though you might be able to pull through it on your own, you may end up putting yourself and those around you through a living hell until you get better.
If you answered yes to at least 5 of those questions, I encourage you to go see your doctor. Medications can be your lifesaver. They can help balance the hormones and chemicals in your brain so that you can see your situation clearly and begin putting your life back in order.
My experience with antidepressants
I have a genetic predisposition to depression. I took a mild anti-depressant for about 6 years. When my corporate job was getting the best of me, that medication was not near enough to keep me from the pit I plunged into. After my breakdown, I began taking some stronger drugs which helped me begin to heal my life, my mind. After about 6 months or so, I was feeling MUCHbetter. Still dealt with some anxiety, but I felt the depression was gone. So, I stopped the medication. And I began taking some natural supplements,which I outlined in this post.
And I did fine, for a while. And then, like the frog, I was back in the hot pot, not realizing it was beginning to affect my judgement, my outlook, my life. Looking back now, it was about 6 weeks ago when I really was going downhill. When I got to the point where I was too lethargic to do anything, barely writing or interacting online, not wanting to go out, I knew something had to be done.
You see, I have this thing. I would love to not have to be on an antidepressant for the rest of my life. I want to believe that is possible. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just what I wanted for me. I am having to come to grips with the fact that I will probably have to be on medication for long-term, if not for life.
I only began taking medication again this past Monday (3 days ago). Even though I do not feel 100%, I now know just how far down I was before. I feel SO much better, and sad that I let myself suffer for weeks before realizing what I needed.
If you are suffering, PLEASE call your doctor.
Or if you are so numb you don’t care, PLEASE call you doctor.
And if you feel you don’t want to live, call this number RIGHT
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